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Premiere ABC Show 2011 in Moscow

On the 17 of March the premiere ABC Show 2011 took place in the hotel complex “Kroston”.
Well-known advertisers and famous Russian creative agencies were present at the show.
The leading representatives of advertising industry applauded Advertising Best Collection Show for an hour and a half!

Igor Kirikchi, BBDO Russia Group:

“Perfect Show. Each time you watch next masterpiece of advertising you think: “That’s the winner of my personal rating” But after a few ads another thought comes into your head:“ Well, I guess this one is even better.” And this repeats dozens of time.

Yulia Kvasok, Advertology.ru

“Everybody was laughing and that united, made the atmosphere warmer and more friendly. Obviously there is one more advantage of a good ad – when you watch one, you have a desire to be an ad men.”

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