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ABC Show-Oscar style in Komsomolsk-on-Amur

Enchanting, eccentric, impressive Oscar-style show took place November 2, 2013 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur.

Red carpet, flashes of cameras, beautiful ladies in the evening dresses and stately men in tuxedos and bow-ties,champagne, amazing show and...

...the main event of the fall- the demonstration of the world best advertising from ABC Show!

At 9 pm sharp the light went out, the guests took their places and became utterly absorbed by the magic world of the advertising masterpieces. For the one fall evening we forgot everything we had ever watched on TV before, these commercials were certainly not to be paused or flicked through, it was pure inspiration. And also this is pure ART, that makes you laugh and cry, smile and scream from fear, but what's important does not leave you indifferent.

Source: "Gubernia" TV channel.

Photography of the event